Birth Partners Support Services

Equity and Justice
Birth Partners Support Services is a pregnancy, birth and parenting support business that works within a structure of anti-oppression. The services offered here are trauma-informed and uphold practices of equity and Justice.
There exists within our society- personal and systemic forces that, by their very existence, strive to maintain a status quo that benefits some and oppresses others.
We all possess privilege of one kind or another.
It is imperative for each of us to leverage our privilege to ensure that justice and equity are definitive values that drive our work.
We recognize the need to not only be opposed to the oppression of others in spirit but to actively struggle against these forces- inside and outside of our individual private lives.
- The pro-active work necessary for combatting the small and large forces within our society that exist to oppress people based on race, class, gender identity and expression, sexuality, ability, family makeup, socio/economic status, age, religion, language and ethnicity. (Note: this is not an exhaustive list)
-Continuing education- personal readings, attendance at learning opportunities (rallies, workshops, conferences, etc), participation in dialogues with folks with lived experience- IE. Listening.
-Speaking out against injustice in private and public arenas (calling out oppression with family members, colleagues, community members, and in the world at large),
-Visible representation of safety and allyship (website, inclusive language, marketing materials, social media presence, etc)
-Making space for and prioritizing the voices and lived experiences of marginalized peoples both as the bringers or recipients of our offered service.
BPSS recognizes and upholds the freedom of all people to hold different views. AND we enact a policy of zero tolerance of oppression within this business.
This means there will be no forward referrals for those whose convictions stand in opposition to this policy.